Monday, March 14, 2016

What will Dow Jones do Next- Remember Trend Up Needs to Pause

Dow Jones has to take a breather. And why not? It has just run up 700 points almost at a trot. It did this swift bull run in flat 15 days. But if you count the trading days, it is only 12 days. That is when I gave the call to buy on 25 Feb 2016. Check it out here.

However if you see the total bull run of about 1200 points in Dow, it took just 20 trading days. That of course I could not spot. When I did spot the continuation, Dow Jones had already run up 500 points.

Now I am advising that one should stay away from trading in US markets. Let the dust settle down. Dow may go up a little but there is no certainty. There are plenty of dangers lurking there. So the sane thing would be to wait out this uncertainty.

Be certain though that when there is clear chance of making money in US markets again, I shall give the call right here. So keep watching this space.

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